Ski Trails:
Our area had a brief warm-up last Friday. Trails glazed up a bit, but were otherwise undamaged. Sub-zero temps have since returned and groomers are busy renovating the trails. Cold temps are forecast for this week and trails should return to excellent condition shortly.

The latest field notes from the Birkie team:
Tu, 1.30.18 – (1:00PM) – Today we took another pass grooming and tracking the Birkie Skate trail from American Birkebeiner TH to OO. Birkie Ridge and the loops at OO were also groomed and tracked. Great skiing on the loops at OO and north of OO! Enjoy!
Sun, 1.28.18 – (10:00AM) – Much of the Birkie trail is currently hard and icy in places. We will not be tilling the hard base to soften it up in the best interest of the Birkie events in 4 weeks. Softening the trail would also likely lead to losing more snow than if we keep the base as it is. With the uncertainty of temps and snow in the coming weeks, we would rather err on the side of maintaining what we have. As you are deciding where to ski, the best skiing right now is north of Boedecker. Take a look at our trail map and choose a trailhead north of Boedecker and get out there and ski! Enjoy!
Th, 1.25.18 – (10:00PM) – Today we finished up the rest of the Birkie Trail after the most recent snow-fall. We groomed and tracked the Birkie Classic trail from OO to the American Birkebeiner trailhead. The entire trail is ready for some great weekend skiing. Enjoy!
W, 1.24.18 – (6:00AM) – Last night we groomed and tracked from OO south to Hatchery Creek. It should set up very nice for Wednesday skiing! Enjoy!
-Birkie Trail Crew

FAT Bike Trails: CAMBA Fat groomers continue to create concrete paths in the snow!

CAMBA Grooming schedule and Trail CONDITIONS –
Grooming schedule and Trail CONDITIONS as of Wednesday, January 31, 2018:
We had some trace amounts of snow over the past week, most recently yesterday with high winds. All groomed trails are in good to very good condition now, but there will be some minor drifting in some open areas. The following is the reported status of the trails at this time.
Cable Town Trails: Groomed last Wednesday January 24.. No recent report.
Big Easy: Not yet available due to active logging operation.
Big Fat Loop: The north leg from Seeley Pass to Old OO was groomed last Tuesday. The southern leg from Thannum to Makwa was groomed last Wednesday. The conditions last night (Tuesday) were very good, even the sections by Phipps and Thannum that had seen some snowmobile poachers. Somebody rode the north leg when it was soft and left some deep ruts, but the trail is now frozen and most of the ruts are not an issue for riders. (Note: U R HERE maps on the trail have not been updated yet. The only significant difference is the reroute on Snowmobile Trail 31. Please follow the directional signs rather than the map in that area. Also note that the directional signs on Frindt Road are missing. If you are riding clockwise, turn right at the end of Old OO and look for the groomed trail just south of the newer barn; if you are riding counterclockwise, turn left when you get to Frindt Road then turn left onto Old OO.)
Esker: Not yet groomed at all this winter.
Hatchery Creek: Groomed Sunday with an aggressive scarifier setting.

Hospital Gateway: Groomed on last Tuesday. No recent report.
Makwa: Groomed Monday afternoon. It is now flat, firm and fast.
Seeley Hills: Groomed was abandoned on Sunday due to icy conditions. Studded tires recommended.
Westside/Backside: Groomed last Wednesday. Directional signs are installed, but not U R HERE maps. Expect more shared-use sections with the North End Ski Club this year. Please do not ride on the ski lanes of the shared-use sections.