If you haven’t seen this yet, The Birkie Bridge has made the trip to downtown Minneapolis for the 2018 Superbowl Festivities. Add to that nearly a kilometer of manmade snow and a Pisten Bully Groomer and you have the makings for a midwest-style winter party! Here, Birkie Director, Ben Popp, and John Munger with the Loppet Foundation give you the lowdown on ski and fat bike activities taking place around the bridge. And, don’t worry, the Mpls Friday melt did not affect Hayward; we have all of our snow, still.

It’s fitting that a part of the “Super Bowl of skiing” will be part of the “other” Super Bowl. We just ask one thing – PLEASE, PLEASE bring it back to Hayward for the 2018 Birkie!
Birkie Fever, baby! -Chris