It’s not too late to treat your digits to some new Toko Gloves! Ian Harvey has been in charge of the Toko Glove line-up from its inception, and shares a brief video of the various models available this season…

So, what’s most popular at the shop?
It just depends on the weather du jour. With a lot of cold conditions throughout the central and eastern US since Late December, the Toasty Mitten, and the entire Arctic line have been best sellers. These warmer models are traditionally good sellers for the early- and mid-season for New Moon. Attention cold skiers: new for ’18 is the addition of a mesh, hand warmer pocket on the backside of the Arctic Mitten, against the back of the skier’s hand – no more hand warmers wandering around your mittens!

With warm conditions last season as the rule, lighter models like the super-light Profi and lightweight Classic were the big sellers, with the mid-weight Thermo Plus favored by skiers that suffer from the cold more. As we transition into the later part of our season, we will see these lighter models gain popularity.

What to get?
If you’re not sure, a two-glove plan with cover most situations. Pick one from the warm group – the Toasty Mitten & Arctic Mittens are warmer, Arctic Gloves a bit less so, and Arctic Split Mitts right in-between. If you need mitten warmth but also need the dexterity of a glove, the Split Mitt may be the perfect, cold weather glove for you. Then, pick one of the lighter gloves for the warm days – the Classic is a good bet for most. The Profi is ultra-light; good for the hot-bodies. A bit heavier than the Classic, the Thermo Plus is safe if you always run a bit cold. If you are happy with two-glove plan, branch out with another model, heavy or light, or both to fine-tune your setup.
For Next Season…
Ian Harvey spends his skis season testing new glove designs and works closely with shops like ours and skiers around the globe – both racers and recreational, to develop and further refine the most comprehensive nordic glove line available. Toko even offers an unconditional, one-year guarantee with thrie gloves. Feel free to give us your feedback and suggestions on the Toko Glove line. What are you looking for in a nordic glove? (Yes, Ian knows some of you want the 232 System back) We’ll pass that along to Toko.

New Moon has partnered with Ian and Toko Gloves for many years and features a well-stocked selection of nearly every Toko Glove model. Look for the Ian Toko/New Moon Booth at the Birkie Expo again this year. Skiers can speak directly with Ian and other Toko staff about all things Toko or nordic skiing for that matter!
-Chris Young